Welcome to The Peaceful Pack. We are here for your canine companion to help fulfill their needs. We offer several services to accommodate your packs lifestyle. While you are away at work, or if you need to travel, we are here to walk, pet-sit, or take a trip to the dog park. We want you and your dog to find the peace that one gets from finding a pack that is there for you.
James Aquino. Behavior Specialist. Dog Lover.
James Aquino, AKA "the doggie dude," is co-founder of The Peaceful Pack, and our resident canine behaviorist and biologist. He has been studying and working with animals for over 15 years. His studies and work have sent him around the globe researching animals from as small a damselfly, to as large as a wild boar. His love of understanding animal behavior and his good fortune of working with other scientists, researchers, animal trainers, and canine experts, lead him to creating The Peaceful Pack with his partner and fellow dog devotee, Mark Anderson. Currently, James is working on his M.S. in Zoology and likes to spend his free time with with his family.
Mark Anderson. Dog Walker Traffic Controller. Dog Lover.
Mark Anderson, co-founder of The Peaceful Pack, has been working with animals his whole life. He grew up on a small farm in California and both him and his siblings were involved heavily in 4-H, national organization providing youth programs in agricultural and animal sciences. His two sisters, who were involved in the seeing eye dog program, shared their love of dogs with Mark at an early age. That and the horses on their farm, might explain his fondness for Great Danes, of which he has two. Ellie and Edward are unofficially The Peaceful Pack mascots. They definitely get their fair share of attention when out and about. Along with his life-long involvement with dogs, he has been an active dog walker in Brooklyn and Manhattan over the last few years, during which time has become know for the ease in which he can handle most any dog in any situation. Mark’s love of animals combined with his almost 20 years experience as a business owner give him the unique expertise to oversee the scheduling of all our dog walkers at The Peaceful Pack.
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